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East from I-465 East
Take the Exit 40 ramp marked 56th Street west. Follow curved exit lane to the stoplight at 56th Street. Turn right (west) at that stoplight at the end of the curved exit ramp. Then proceed west on East 56th Street through the next stoplight (Old Colony/Brendon Way Drive). Then proceed another 400', then turn right (north) on Brendon Forest Drive (6450 East 56th Street).

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West from 56th Street
Follow 56th Street east past Arlington Avenue (6000 East 56th Street), past Brendon Wood subdivision to Brendon Forest Drive (6450 East 56th Street), then turn left (north).

Property borders the open ground along the east side of Brendon Forest Drive and ends about 300' beyond the cul de sac at the state preserve on the north end. There is also 371' frontage along 56th Street at 6630 East 56th Street.